

From Heidelberg
to Honolulu ...


From Heidelberg to Honolulu . . .

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HRK 1872 e. V. Rugby Oldies
RC Juromenha

Approximately at the same time two EVRA Club members had represented European Veteran Rugby - RC Juromenha, Portugal (Team with yellow jerseys) took part at the 5th World Vintage Rugby Carnival in Honolulu and the King´s Pebrots, Spain ( Pebrot´s and HRK Oldies photo after the game) met their German friends
H R K 1872 e. V. Rugby Oldies in Heidelberg for the return game . . .
Both teams reported about the wonderful and friendly atmosphere that is so important at any veteran game, Festival or Carnival.
RC Juromenha, with guest player Steve Larkahm, was one of the two continental European teams that took part at Vintage Carnival 2012 and the King´s Pebrots from Barcelona are "the record holders“ with with 12 participations at the World Golden Oldies Rugby Festivals in the period from 1985 till 2005  . . .

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