

3rd Trobada Vet.
of Rugby, Barcelona


3rd Trobada Veterans of Rugby


Catalonian Rugby Federation organized in Barcelona, on May 8th 2016 the 3rd TROBADA VETERANS OF RUGBY Tournament, following the offer of EVRA to include this event into Licor Beirao European Series.

The tournament games, exclusively for Veteran Rugby teams from Catalunya, had been played at Taixonara, the playfield of the host team F.C. Barcelona.

Eight teams took part: A.V.B. Kings Pebrots, C.R. Sant Cugat, R.C. Cornella,  R.C. Badalona, S.E. Villanova, C.R. Tarragona, Gerona GEIEG and the Veterans  of F. C. Barcelona.

178 players, 8.823 years old - alltogether, had shown their "everlasting" passion for our Game. The truth was that each of the players was around 50 years old what did not "prevent the spectacle" they offered to the spectators. EVRA President Tomás Espinosa Lidon (Elche) greated all the participants and the officials of Catalonian Rugby Federation, informing  them about European Veteran Rugby Association - EVRA activites, encouraging them in the same time to consider participating in the future various European Series tournaments and so contribute to the further development of our Sport in Europe.

EVRA President took the oportunity to present the special made plague to the Catalan Federation, as well to Don Josep Maria Sentis (72) of F.C. Barcelona who was the Oldest Player of the Tournament. Special thanks went to Don Salvador Braso, Treasurer and Veteran Rugby  Co-ordinator of Catalan Rugby Federation.

Tournament Photo - Gallery has been given for EVRA News by the courtesy of Carles Pociello, Antonio Arias and Jaume Andreu.

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