

EVRA XV Team Over 50s
at EU Festival in Poland


EVRA Select XV Team Over 50s at European Festival in Poland (Kopie 1)

Curiosity at EVRA Team was Elio De Anna (Italian rugby international) who put on rugby boots again after 30 years!

Polish RU Referees Association delegated Piotrowicz Wieszlaw - President, Pantol Andrzej, Pawlik Adrian (all Lublin), Kieszopolski Cezary (Siedlce) to whistle the games. With a lot of feeling for the age of the players these young referees contributed enormously that playing Rugby for Fun dominated . . .

EVRA Association delegated Andrew Stevens (Referees Co-ordinator for 2019 European Festival in Belluno, Italy) from Netherlands / UK to be the part of "Ref´s Squad" this time in Siedlce . . . as the most experienced he deserved at the end the prize "Festival best referee".

Team Manager Marko Protega (GER) and the "Coach" Guy Quaranta (FRA) enjoyed, together with all the players, being the part of this successfull Event.

Take a look at EVRA Team photos to get partly the  impression of this big international event, Full Photo Gallery - 2017 Festival to be soon at the website  www.evrugbya.org  EVRA News - September / October . . .

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