

Laws of the
Veteran Game


LAW 24.   OFF-SIDE (Now LAW 11)

A.    Off-Side in General Play
As per IRB Laws of the Game.

B.    Off-Side at Scrummage
With alterations as mentioned under Law 20 - Scrummage.

C.    Off-Side at Ruck and Maul
As per IRB Laws of the Game.
D.    Off-Side at Line-out

With alterations as mentioned under Law 23 - Touch and Line-out.

Off-Side while not participating in line-out:  as per IRB

Players returning to "on-side" position: as per IRB.

LAW 25.   ON-SIDE (In new LAW 11)

As per IRB Laws of the Game.

LAW 26.   FOUL PLAY (Now LAW 10)

Generally speaking E.V.R.A. rules do not permit unsportsmanlike behaviour, or over vigorous play, and so are minimising the chances of injury.

Referee's decisions as per IRB Laws of the Game.

Players Ordered Off - There is no "sin bin" in EVAR game.
Player ordered off must not take part further on during the same GOR event.