

Trelleborg 2



The veterans had been playing in five teams: The Moravian Eagles (Olomouc, Czech Republic),R B W Oldies (Heidelberg, Germany), Skäne Old Boys (Selection of Swedish veterans), Pingvin RFC Veterans and Pilevallen Vets (international team of individual players).

Tournament organisers Brian Mansell (Pingvin RFC Vets Manager) and Love Nilsson (Vets Captain), helped by the club veterans Michael, Christoph, Alfred, Patrick and Tom prepared very nice experience for all the participants.

On Saturday evening all the participants had been surprised when the host Club and the Fijian Tomasi Tamanivalu offered "Lovo" - traditional Polynesain food prepared by cooking with the hot stones, covered with palm leaves and the soil . . . The third Halftime organised on Sunday in the Municipality Hall ended with the presentation - awarding of all teams. The announcement of 14th Georg Holek Cup had been made - it will be held in Germany (Rottweil) in June 2017.

Apart from presenting Swedish souvenirs by the Organiser to all teams, EVRA awarded with special made EU Series plagues the Pingvin RFC as the Organisers, Club Founder Wolfgang Österling, the Club Founder and the "oldest events participant" (84), the Town Sports Council representative, that supported the whole Event.

The representatives of Pingvin RFC and Skäne Old Boys informed about the common intention to organize a Veteran Tournament in 2017, in Skäne Region (South of Sweden).

Take some impressions of this "Swedish experience" . . . click here
Photos by the courtesy of Sabine Friedrich (Konstanz, Germany)

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