

Sun Dreams
Travel Malta


Sun Dreams Travel Malta - New EVRA Partner

At the begining of the year Sports Travel specialists from Malta joined us as the Partner. Among various incoming and outgoing sports tours Sun Dreams Travel
( www.sundreamstravel.com  ) organizes also the traditional Malta Veteran Rugby Tournament. 8th Edition to be hold this May is the first one event among Licor Beirao European Series of EVRA.

Joining us Pierre Azzopardi, managing all sports events, sent us "a couple of introducing words":

We have now extended our services for rugby tours, tournaments, festivals and events outside Malta. Apart from our usual events in Malta we are now featuring many other rugby events around Europe to give you more options and ideas for your ideal rugby tour. As many of you may know we have now established ourselves as a great rugby tour destination company, and wish to extend our services offering you appropriate level of service, great rugby gatherings, as well as the fun and entertaining aspects required, to make up for you a memorable rugby tour - event.

We have arranged many rugby tours to Malta and around Europe for a varied amount of teams of different age grade and gender.

We are experts when it comes to hosting rugby teams, so  . . . also your team is invited to taste "Malta way of Rugby life".

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