There are not so many veteran rugby events (to start with) as the years before, but enough to show that the Life must go on . . . with or without Covid-19 . . .
Two events are of special significance, recommended to take part . . .
43rd UFAR National Tournament (Toulon) and the 1st Colosseum Rugby Cup (Rome), probably the two biggest events in Rugby XV and Ice Hockey+ Rugby XV in Europe.
For those European Veterans wanting to make a "World Tour" the best possibility is to visit South America an take part at - Argentina Veterans World Rugby Festival in Buenos Aires/Mar del Plata (November 2021). For all detailed information take a look at our Web - Events Calendar 2021 . . .
Apart from the national tournaments, EVRA is preparing European (International) Veteran Rugby Festival for Autumn 2021 . . . Final information will be available at - NEWS
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic check with each of the Organisers the "National Corona situation" . . .
Any European Veteran Rugby Club (EVRA Member/Supporter) is welcome to join us with "their Rugby tournament" . . . this will be one more opportunity to encourage all those that are just waiting that the normal Life "comes" back again . . .
E V R A wish all our Rugby friends Happy & Healthy New Year . . .
Marko Protega, E V R A
Secretary & EU Series Co-ordinator
Download Enrolment Form 2021 (.pdf)