

News from
Greek Veterans


News from Greek Veterans

Attica Springboks RFC veterans, a real international team composed of French, British, Greek and Turkish players, are the most active among 31 rugby clubs exisiting in Greece (very few with a "veteran team", for the time being . . .) 

For this season, the veteran activities will be concentrated in May . . . at the very beginning Claverdon RFC will come to Athens to play vs. "Hell - Veterans" (Hellenic over 35 players), to celebrate Club´s 50th Anniversary.

The game will be played at Glyka Nera Municipal Stadium, organised by Attica Springboks. The "curtain raising" game will be the Seven a Side one - Attica Springboks RC Academy vs. Deree College. The "main veteran event" will be the 9th Annual de Gaule Tournament (on May 16th). This time the "visiting" team is coming from France - Entente Sportive Renault. Together with some greek veteran squads the Organiser is expecting to be able to welcome also another team(s) from abroad.

For Tournament details look at EVRA Events Calendar www.evrugbya.org or contact EVRA Representative in Greece, Ted Edward Cypiot (Athens) at tcypiot[aet]ath.forthnet.gr.

Henry - Marc Sparacello, Attica Springboks RC General Secretary (also the Board member of Greek Rugby Association) is going to try to "build the Greek team" that can represent his Country in Farnham - European Festival, at the start of Rugby World Cup 2015 in England.

Those "international veterans" interested to join the Greeks can contact Henry -
Marc at henry-marc[aet]springboks.gr.

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