

Rugby Veterans of KBRK
Belgrade (Serbia)



The rugby veterans of KBRK - Belgrade (Serbia), EVRA member since 2014, made "very brave and unique" attempt and founded the sports society with different "oval ball" clubs - Rugby XV, Rugby (XIII) League, American Football and  Australian Football ("Aussie Rules" game).

The President Milos Milutinovic is very optimistic as the each of the clubs have already teams - starting with children up to the competitive ones, coached by the number of experienced volunteers.

It is early to say "what direction" will the Society go in the future, but already this try to widen the base of "Sports for all" is to be appreciated. Knowing the rugby veterans and their engagement, willingness to go on, when once started . . . good news are to be expected soon.

With this small selection of photos try to get the impressions of the first steps of this "unusual attempt" . . .

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