

Tournoi international rugby vétérans
Beauvais (France) 2018


The 13th edition of the tournament  was  a great success  that allowed each team to meet (play against) all the protagonists , as  the number of the teams was smaller than in the previous years   The rather sunny weather  on that Saturday,  after  the  very rainy Friday ,   enabled teams  to perform  "the  good  quality" Rugby   in the front of  the large  number of  local spectators.  

It is  to emphasize  that there were no casualties although the contingency plan  was well prepared, but was not much used.  

The  whole  organization of the tournament went  perfect  thanks to the active participation of the  Club´s and Town volunteers.

At the end of the day the tournament  the "winner" was  the Béarnaise team MINJA WESHIGA  . . .

The Oldes Tournament Player was Jacky Clabeau (69 ) from Les Indépendants.

See you next year in Beauvais on May 25th 2019 . . . Opens external link in new windowwww.independantsdubrc.com 

Fabrice Vandroux
Les Indénpendants du BRC
specially for EVRA WebNews

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