

Battai Bulldogok


Battai Bulldogok - The Rugby Team

Those, who ever started to play this game know that Rugby is not just a kind of sports, it is the life style, the love . . .

Having more and more "retiring“ players, the need arose to establish the playing possibility for the old generation - Old Boys championships. But I can say the begin is hard. There are four Hungarian clubs that have "old boys“ teams. Once, twice a year we organize local mini tournaments, trying to play each other. Last year a mixed team the Hungarian Old Boys attended Old Prague Ham Tournament, the famous Czech veteran rugby event. There we recognized the spirit of the veteran tournament, the respect of the ages, and the really friendly atmosphere with a lot of fun.

When E.V.R.A. started last year it was for us a real good surprise and news, so we decided to join its European activities.

Our short term goal is to collect enough players to attend the minimum of 2, 3 veteran events per year. Our intention is also to be active participant of the CEE veteran life, and (if possible) to attend some European Festival in the near future.

In 2012 (or later) we would like to organize National veteran tournament as the part of E.V.R.A. LB European Series. 

We just can"™t give up playing, so long we can run,
tackle, and fight  . . .

Attila Kovacs

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