



As usual, a shiny day and a mild late summer sun blessed the V Memorial Poletti. Also this year this traditional Tournament was the part of EVRA Licor Beirao European Series.

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Tour-Sport combines all of the services to promote sports tourism through international tournaments, stage organization and customized events. 

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8th Trofeo Rugby Old "Salami, salumi e . . . palla ovale" Mantova

Friendship, solidarity and fun have been the hub of the event organized by the Senatori Virgiliani Old Rugby Club on Saturday, October 14, at the splendid location of the Mincio Canottieri, with many friends in REUNION FOR B.B.

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The last Saturday in September the Veterans of IMOLA RUGBY CLUB organised their, already for the nineght time, Old Rugby Tournament . . .

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May be it is the best to start this report with the Organisers words - Jacek & Greg, EVRA got a couple a days after this unique Festival: " ...Thank you for the kind words. 

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