

1st Giovanni Santin Memorial


1st Giovanni Santin Memorial was the great success

The 1st ever EVRA Series Event in Pordenone (Italy)

This first ever Memorial had been organized to celebrate 50th anniversary of Rugby in the Pordenone Region.

The Event got its name to remember the surveyor Giovanni Santin who "started with promoting Rugby" and kept on his whole private and political life, being engaged to introduce youngs to play this "Game of Life" - learning "parallel" all the values this Sport offers . . .

Region / Town authorities among which Walter De Bortoli Councilor for Sports of Municipality of Pordenone, Valter Santarossa Regional councilor, Luciano Forte the Vice-President of Noncello Panathlon, Francesco Silvestri Regional councilor of CONI and especially Giovanna Santin Vice-President of Pordenone Tourism

emphased that this start have the aim to "expand" this Oldie Event also out of Italy, as the veteran sports contributes undoubtly to the cultural, economic and tourist relations among neighbouring countries . . .

Technical organisation led by Dario Piccinin, the Manager of Pordenone veterans named "Quei di ´un volta" have functioned excellent. . .  

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